Your taxes
shouldn’t be scary

Be taken care of by our expertise
in tax and trucking

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You’ve found yourself in one of two situations: overpaying on your taxes OR underpaying and getting hit with penalties. We don’t want that for you.

With the services we’ve designed you’ll be confident you’re paying just the right amount of tax and claiming as many deductions as you can.

You handle the bookkeeping, we handle the tax

As tax specialists, we support owner-operators who are already doing their own bookkeeping, but we don’t leave you high and dry. See how we make sure your bookkeeping and tax works together.

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How we handle the tax

We used to have different levels of services and it didn’t work. We found that nearly every trucker we work with deserves the Turn Signals Services. Here’s how it works.

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Turn signal services

Tax turn signals, like ones you see on the road, are signs to shift direction. Our Turn signals service means we deal with your tax return, and we help you spot where and when it’s time to change direction to get you where you want to go financially.

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Tax tune-ups

You’ll need regular tune-ups. And just like with your truck, if you skip them… you may pay the price later. We’ll recommend when and how often you need these tune-ups.

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[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^27|url^[email protected]|caption^null|alt^null|title^arrow text box icon|description^null” img_width=”35″ title=”Preventative maintenance” el_class=”taxplanbox”][/bsf-info-box]

Get a tax plan so there are no nasty surprises. This includes tax projection updates and general bookkeeping reviews. One is included in your turn signal service.

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[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^27|url^[email protected]|caption^null|alt^null|title^arrow text box icon|description^null” img_width=”35″ title=”In-frame overhaul” el_class=”taxplanbox”][/bsf-info-box]

It’s not a small job, but it has to be done to keep your business running well. This includes S-Corp election evaluation, self-renting, complex projections, etc.

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[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^27|url^[email protected]|caption^null|alt^null|title^arrow text box icon|description^null” img_width=”35″ title=”Out-of-frame overhaul” el_class=”taxplanbox”][/bsf-info-box]

Rebuild better with major bookkeeping update, entity formation, audit work, etc.

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[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^216|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^step-1|description^null” img_width=”100″ title=”You fill in the form…” pos=”left” el_class=”stepbox”]Tell us about you and your business so we can arrange a productive call. [/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^217|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^step-2|description^null” img_width=”100″ title=”Have a quick meeting with us…” pos=”left” el_class=”stepbox”]We’ll get to know each other and see how we can work together. [/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^218|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^step-3|description^null” img_width=”100″ title=”You’ll receive a proposal…” pos=”left” el_class=”stepbox”]We’ll give you our recommendations for any applicable tax tune-ups.[/bsf-info-box]
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Danny and Clemepe Alford

Great rundown of the taxes! I love that [WestboundHQ] took the time to share analysis with us. It sure helps us understand what’s going. 4 thumbs up!


Start taking steps to reduce your tax liability

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